Sunday, September 24, 2006

What is it with all these dairy ads?

I'm really not understanding all these drink dairy - get thin ads. How can something that is so bad for you be good for a diet? I personally haven't read the study, but it seems like a load of crap to me. Milk is meant for baby cows and not for human consumption. I mean biologically it just makes sense. No mammmals except for humans consume milk into adulthood. It would be like a dog drinking from a giraffe. Besides, milk is filled with pus. If that isn't gross enough for you, what is?

1 comment:

Hippie Vegan said...

Maybe. I haven't really read the studies, but I read in PeTA's Animal Times magazine that the study was based on a very small sample, which would be very unreliable. It's all fueled by money from dairy farmers and such.