Monday, December 04, 2006

What a long time!

Hey, it's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely, lonely, lonely time! Well, not really, but I just had to throw in the Led Zeppelin! So, I've been pretty busy with school, and school activties. Also Christmas is coming, and I'm trying to figure out how to stretch my depleting funds as far as I can. Grrrr... It's a good thing that there are only a few weeks left in the semester, and then it's back home to mooch off of my parents. Hopefully the job that I have in the summer assembling welder parts will let me work over winter break! So, let's see, I have to buy about a billion Christmas presents, prepay for my guitar lessons next semester, and pay for about a million gallons of gas for my thunderbird. So, by the way Thanksgiving was pretty good. I dined on Tofurky, gravy, stuffing, vegetables, mashed potatoes (which could be classified as vegetables as well), rolls, and pie. Gosh, I don't think that I could eat stuffing again for a long time! My sister and I adopted a turkey named Laila rom She is so cute. If you haven't checked that website out yet, you should. You can sponsor a turkey for a one time fee of $20, or if you are veg*n, and have an adequate space, you can really adopt two turkeys. They have to be adopted out together because they get lonely. That would be so cool if I had adequate space, funds, and time to raise two turkeys. I can only hope to be so awesome in the future!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

My usual Sunday activities generally include studying, working out, and watching TV. I love to watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. It's basically the most exciting part of the day. Well the point of this post is the episode that was on today. They went to Iowa to a family whose home burnt down. They lived on a farm, and lost everything. The family was basically living in a trailor for nine months. Pretty sad, right? No doubt in my mind that they deserved a home makeover. The part that bothered me was that before the fire the family had cattle on what I'm guessing was a dairy farm. For all you vegans out there, you know what my problem was right? The design team replaced their cattle, and everyone thought it was all well and good. Well, also before the fire the family had a pet dog. They also got a new dog. Everyone was all about how cute the dog was and how a dog was part of the family. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. I just don't see the differentiation in how they would treat a dog, and how you would treat cattle. Obviously they can't be treated exactly alike because they are so different, but one should at least give them each the same respect. I just can't understand how people can be so nice to dogs and other pets, and treat farm animals with so much cruelty. There really is no reason for it. Well, there's my rant for the day. I just hope someday that farm animals will have some liberation.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Health Promotion Human Development Conference

I had a confernce to go to today for my Dietetics major at school. It was an all day conference, with breakfast and lunch included. I thought from the beginning that eating there would be a problem. I ate breakfast before I got there, and good thing I did because they only had muffins there to eat. So, after our morning sessions, we had lunch. There were three different types of pasta, salad, and garlic bread. Guess what I ate? If you guessed salad, you guessed right. There was pasta with alfredo sauce, pasta with marinara sauce (with cheese on top :(), and a pasta with vegetables and a sauce that smelled like barbecue sauce. So, I ended up being hungry for the rest of the day because salad is not a sufficient lunch, especially when it only consists of lettuce and french dressing. I did not just leave it alone though. At the end of the day, we had to fill out comment cards, and in the suggestion area I wrote that they were severely lacking in the vegan food department. Such is the plight of the vegan. I would've thought that this conference being for the school of Health Promotion & Human Development, they would've had some healthy vegan options. I suppose that I guessed wrong. Maybe next year I'll ask what is going to be served.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mr. Meaty

So, yesterday, my roomate, Christa, was flipping through the channels on our TV, and got to that new show on Nickelodeon called Mr. Meaty. It's all about these kids that work at a fast food place in the mall called Mr. Meaty. In this particular episode, one of the kids got mad at the other one, and quit his job at Mr. Meaty. He went to work at Soy What. The people that worked at Soy What were probably vegetarians if not vegans. They were all portrayed as hippies (I'm not saying that I dislike hippies...they're pretty cool but not all vegs are hippies). The thing that upset me the most was that in the episode, the people that worked at Soy What were so deprived of meat that they turned to cannabilism on the new guy that worked there from Mr. Meaty. As if people are actually deprived of meat. That is so stupid. If veg*ns are portrayed this way on TV, no wonder people think that we're all nuts!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Rice & Black Bean Burritos

So, here's a recipe that I just sort of made up one day. It's pretty good, and damn easy to make.
Rice & Black Bean Burritos
1 cup brown rice + 2 cups water to prepare it with
1 can black beans - drained
1/2 green pepper - chopped
1 can yellow corn - drained
1 packet taco seasoning + 3/4 cup water to prepare it with
3 tbsp. olive oil
8 tortilla shells

So here's what you've got to do:
Put the rice in a pot with the water and bring it to a boil. Then once it starts to boil, turn the heat to low, cover, and simmer the rice for 35-45 minutes, or until the rice has absorbed all of the water. Once the rice is done, set it aside. Then take the oil and put it in the skillet, then add the pepper and sautee for about 3 minutes. Then add the black beans and corn. Stir that together and then add the rice. Stir it all together and then add the taco seasoning and the rest of the water. Simmer for about 3 more minutes or until it is heated throughout. Heat the tortilla shells in the microwave for about 20 seconds per 2 shells. Spoon the rice mix into shells and enjoy. If you want you can add lettuce, soy cheese, taco sauce, or whatever else your heart desires. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Papa John's Pizza Dilemma

So, last night, I was phone banking with a student organization that I'm involved with on campus called WISPIRG. When we were done phone banking, we ordered pizza from Papa John's. The crust and sauce there is vegan, so I thought I'd order some pizza without cheese. I ordered it with peppers, onion, mushrooms, and pineapple. Well, instead of pineapple they gave me pepperoni! Ick!!! Since I was the only one eating the small pizza with no cheese, I cut it apart and ate the parts that the pepperoni didn't touch. :( I guess the people at Papa John's couldn't possibly fathom having a pizza without meat or cheese. What is the world coming to?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

What is it with all these dairy ads?

I'm really not understanding all these drink dairy - get thin ads. How can something that is so bad for you be good for a diet? I personally haven't read the study, but it seems like a load of crap to me. Milk is meant for baby cows and not for human consumption. I mean biologically it just makes sense. No mammmals except for humans consume milk into adulthood. It would be like a dog drinking from a giraffe. Besides, milk is filled with pus. If that isn't gross enough for you, what is?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Amazing Food

I had the most amazing food today. We just got a new Noodles & Company near campus, so my roomate and I went to check it out today. I got the Japanese Pan Noodles. They are one of my favorite things now. Talk about delish vegan food!!! I also really like going to Noodles because they have fresh lemon to put in the soda there. I couldn't finish all of the noodles, so I put them in a to go box to take home. A word of advice: those boxes are not microwave safe. I put my little plastic box in for a spin in the microwave and it came out about half the size that it was when it went in. Oh well, at least it didn't ruin my noodles.

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. My name is Ashley and I'm 19 years old. I am a college student studying Dietetics and German. I hope that you will find my blog interesting, and if not that, at least slightly entertaining. I'm a vegan, and a huge fan of classical rock music like Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Well, I hope to hear from ya'll soon!